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#Java - Code Snippets for '#Char array' - 2 code snippet(s) found

 Sample 1. Remove templatized arguments from a String

String removeTemplatizedArgument(String str){
   String cleanStr = "";
   boolean withinTemplatized=false;   
   int countBlock = 0;
   for(char x: str.toCharArray()){
      if(x == '<'){
         withinTemplatized = true;
      } else if(x == '>'){
         withinTemplatized = false;
      } else if(!withinTemplatized && countBlock == 0){
         cleanStr = cleanStr + x;
   return cleanStr;

   Like      Feedback     string  string trim  trim  char  .toCharArray()

 Sample 2. Print duplicate characters in a string / char array without using library

public class CountDuplicates {
   public static void main(String[] args){
      char[] alreadyOccured = new char[10];
      char[] charArray = {'b','u','g','g','y','b','r','e','a','d'};
      for(int countArray=0;countArray<charArray.length;countArray++){
         boolean charAlreadyOccured = false;
         for(int countAlreadyOccured=0;countAlreadyOccured<alreadyOccured.length;countAlreadyOccured++){
            if(charArray[countArray] == alreadyOccured[countAlreadyOccured]){
               charAlreadyOccured = true;
         } else {
            alreadyOccured[countArray] = charArray[countArray];

   Like      Feedback     string  char array

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